The Story of a Suburban Black Girl

Growing up in a predominately white community really made me insecure. I always felt as if I wasn't enough. 

I remember one of my best friends in grade school once told me, "I can't be your friend anymore because you are brown and brown is an ugly color." It hurt me so bad. I hate to say it but that day I wanted to be white. I felt like if I were white things would be easier. The guys wouldn't pull my hair in school and ask me, " is this real? " If I were white I wouldn't have to sit at lunch with my friends and be told, "Morgan.. you are cool FOR A BLACK GIRL." Ahh, That one was the worst. Why couldn't I just be cool because I am me? 

In grade school I didn't have many true friends just "school friends" because I was never good enough to be friends with my "friends" outside of school. I was never good enough to be invited to their events.. The black guys didn't even like me (romantically) they wanted the white girls. Always exclaiming us black girls had too much attitude (Although, I don't think my 'tude was that extreme).

So I got relaxers and shopped at Abercrombie and Fitch in hopes to be able to finally fit in. So that I could finally be seen as, "Morgan Brittani Daniels" not "that black girl with the glasses."

This blog is for any girl who grew up in a similar predicament. Just always love yourself. Because you are beautiful, smart, kind and magical. God didn't make any mistakes with you so don't ever let the words of others get to your head.

Morgan BrittaniComment